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The Written Page – on Homesharing

Boom-mates – How Empty Nesters could help with the Housing Crisis” by Kathleen Lee

California has a housing problem – as in there isn’t enough of it. A recent report about the issue in The Sacramento Bee, found that the state was building only half as many new housing units as population growth required. The article’s author, Angela Hart further noted that, “[t]he state now needs 180,000 new housing units per year, according to state housing officials, and it is building less than 80,000 annually on average.” Click here to keep reading.

Olli Brown Bag Lunch: Home Sharing Program

Dan Birmingham of Area 1 Agency on Aging gives answers to common questions, talks about how A1AA can assist you in starting a home sharing journey, and how it benefits you and the community. Hear others share their personal experiences about the benefits of home sharing. An Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Brown Bag Lunch presentation on May 7, 2018. Click here to view the video.

Homesharing: Tradeoffs or Trifecta? By Marc Linn for the Times-Standard

Tradeoff: The exchange of one thing for another… especially to effect a compromise.

Trifecta (colloq): Three winners.

Homesharing has officially come to Humboldt County! The Area One Agency on Aging in Eureka recently launched The Nest, a program supporting those who want to explore homesharing. Exchanging space in one’s home in return for income or help around the house or some combination of the two is hardly a new idea; people have been sharing shelter for as far back as anyone can remember. Continue reading here: Homesharing_Tradeoffs or Trifecta.pdf

Cross Generational Housing Ideas — By Kathleen Lee

What do college students and seniors have in common? Not much it would seem – different interests, different sleep schedules, and different food preferences. But these two very different groups often share two common problems – economic insecurity and lack of affordable housing. Continue reading here: Cross Generational Housing Ideas BoomersAndBeyond-NestColumn-02-27-18.pdf

The Nest: From house to homeowner — By Marc Linn, for the Times-Standard

To my dearest Homeowner:

We houses don’t usually talk, but will speak up when we think something is important to the people we care about, our homeowners. A local agency, Area 1 Agency on Aging, has announced a homesharing program that might be a good deal for us both.

Over the years, we have been through so much together…Continue reading here:

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