Rights Under Title VI and Older Americans Act

Notifying the Public of Rights Under Title VI

  • Area 1 Agency on Aging (A1AA) operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, and national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes she or he has been subject to any unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint with A1AA.
  • To file a complaint or if information is needed in another language, contact (707) 442-3763, or visit our office at 333 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501. You can download the complaint form and procedure below.

A1AA TILE-VI Complaint Form English

A1AA Title-VI Complaint Form Spanish

A1AA Title-VI Complaint Procedure English

A1AA Title-VI Complaint Procedure Spanish

If you have a concern about the services you received or do not feel your issues were adequately addressed, you have the right to file a complaint. Please see below. The procedure for how to file a complaint is also below.

Area 1 Agency on Aging Services

You have the right to be treated with respect when visiting our offices for services. Our staff is trained to assist you to the best of their ability.

Should you ever have a concern about the services you have received, please speak to a program manager or other staff member regarding services received or how you were treated by staff or volunteers.

If you do not feel your issue was adequately addressed by speaking to staff, you have the right to file a complaint about a program, employee or volunteer.

You may file your complaint verbally or in writing.

If you need help writing your complaint, you have the right to ask assistance from a staff member.

Written complaints shall be delivered to the Program Manager or direct supervisor of the person about whom you are complaining.If you have a complaint, a written copy of our complaint procedure will be provided to you so you will know what will be done with your 


Consumers of services provided directly by the Area 1 Agency on Aging (A1AA) shall have the opportunity to file a complaint against an A1AA program, employee or volunteer.  

Each consumer has the right to complain to a program manager or direct supervisor regarding services received or how the consumer was treated by staff or volunteers.

The complaint process shall include confidentiality provisions to protect the complainant’s right to privacy.  Only information relevant to the complaint may be released to the responding party without the consent of the complainant.  The complainant has a right to remain anonymous but will need to provide an address for written correspondence.  An e-mail address is acceptable.

The complaint process, written in the primary language of the majority of consumers served, shall be posted in visible and accessible areas at A1AA. Information about the grievance process shall be delivered in writing to homebound consumers upon intake.


First Level:              The Manager of the program or direct supervisor of staff person if complaint is against individual staff or volunteer.

Second Level:         The A1AA Executive Director

Final Level:             The A1AA Board of Directors 


The complaint can be provided verbally or in writing. Written complaints shall be delivered to the Program Manager or direct supervisor. If a complainant cannot submit a written complaint, the Program Manager or direct supervisor will: 

1.  Accept the complaint as verbally presented;

2.  Prepare a written complaint on the complainant’s behalf;

3.  Have the complainant review and sign the written complaint (it is not necessary for this to be completed prior to commencement of the review process).

The written complaint shall include, at a minimum, all of the following information:

1.The name, mailing address or e-mail address, and telephone number, if any, of the complainant or person authorized to act on behalf of the complainant;

2. The type of service involved;

3. The name(s) of the individual(s) involved;

4. The issue of concern or dispute;

5. The date, time and place that the issue of concern or dispute occurred;

6. The name(s) of witnesses, if any.

The Program Manager or direct supervisor shall have a maximum of five (5) business days after receipt of the complaint to provide a written acknowledgement letter to the complainant that clearly states that the complaint has been received and outlines the process to review and investigate the grievance/complaint, including the time frame in which the review will occur.  The written acknowledgement letter will clearly state the grievance levels within the agency.

The Program Manager or direct supervisor will conduct an impartial investigation of the complaint and attempt to resolve the issue with the parties involved. 

Within ten (10) business days following receipt of the complaint, a written report stating the results of the review shall be issued to the complainant and other involved parties. The report will advise the complainant of their right to take their complaint to the next level of resolution, if dissatisfied with the results at the first level of review.  The timeframe involved for this will also be included in the report.

If more than ten (10) business days are required to initially review the case, a written letter shall be issued to the complainant detailing the proposed timeline of the review decision.  This letter shall be issued by no later than the tenth (10th) business day from receipt of the complaint.


The complainant may appeal to the A1AA Executive Director if dissatisfied with the results of the Program Manager’s or direct supervisor’s review.  The A1AA Executive Director shall take the following actions within ten (10) business days of receipt of the 2nd level complaint:

1.Request more information, if needed, to further clarify the situation.

2. Issue a decision.


If a complaint is not resolved at the second level, or the complaint is against the Executive Director, the resolution process may proceed to the Board of Directors of A1AA.  The Board of Directors will review all pertinent information and take the following actions:

1. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the report specified in Subsection IV above notify the complainant of their right to request a formally scheduled time to present the complaint orally before a panel of members of the A1AA Board of Directors.  The request shall be made either orally or in writing to the Chair of the A1AA Board of Directors or designee.

2. Within ten (10) business days of receipt of the request for a formal hearing, the A1AA Board of Directors Chair or designee shall notify the complainant, the persons authorized to act on their behalf, and all parties involved in the complaint of the following:

A.    The date, time and location of the hearing;

B.    The complainant’s and other parties’ right to be present at the hearing and/or to have another person act on their behalf, if desired.

The hearing shall be conducted by an impartial panel composed of three members of the A1AA Board of Directors.  A signed conflict of interest statement shall be obtained from each Panel member prior to the onset of the hearing.

The hearing shall be conducted in a professional manner, with testimony restricted to the issues requiring resolution.  The total amount of time allotted for the hearing shall not exceed two (2) hours.

All parties shall have the right to all of the following:

1. To be present at the hearing;

2. To present evidence and witnesses;

3. To examine witnesses and other sources of relevant information and evidence.

 A decision on the complaint resolution shall be issued by the Board no later than fifteen (15) business days from the date of the hearing.  The decision shall contain:

1.     A description of the issue(s); and

2.     A statement as to whether the complaint was upheld or denied.

3. In the case of complaints that are upheld, an explanation of the remedy for the complaint shall also be included.

The Board’s decision is final and no further recourse is available to the complainant.