Planned Giving
Area 1 Agency on Aging is a private non-profit corporation and relies on a variety of public and private funding sources, including donations. All donations help to ensure that essential support and assistance will remain available for older adults and their families.
Gifts to the A1AA can be made in a variety of ways, for a specified purpose or for use at the Agency’s discretion. Donations or gifts can be made anonymously.
A1AA can guide you in making an informed choice based on your assets, wishes, and long-term objectives. To discuss potential donations to the A1AA, please call us at (707) 442-3763 or the Humboldt Area Foundation at (707) 442-2993.
Endowments | A monetary contribution or gift of assets such as securities and real estate can be structured in a number of ways, including an endowment that only allows for support of programs of the Area 1 Agency on Aging.
Gift Annuities | Gift annuities allow you to transfer assets and enjoy a fixed annuity for life, some of which may be tax free.
Insurance Policies | You may allocate part or all of your policy naming Area 1 Agency on Aging as owner or beneficiary.
Trusts | Allows you to transfer assets to a trust and pay a stipulated income to Area 1 Agency on Aging for a fixed number of years. These trusts generate earnings for a designated amount of time and are then divided among your beneficiaries.
Remainder Trusts | These are used to place your assets in a trust, which earns interest for you and your beneficiaries until no beneficiaries remain.
Donor Advised Funds | Provides an opportunity to recommend the use of your gift by Area 1 Agency on Aging.
Retirement Plans | Similar to life insurance, you can allocate a percentage of your retirement assets to the nonprofit of your choice.
If you would like more information about how to put your assets to work to help A1AA, please call 707-442-3763 or email [email protected] for assistance.