Social Security Administration (SSA):
1-800-772-1213 or Eureka office 1-866-828-1991 (M-F, 9:00-4:00) or Del Norte office 707-465-5943
Information on Medicare eligibility and enrollment, Extra Help subsidy programs, Social Security benefits, change of address for Medicare or Social Security and Medicare card replacement.
Medicare Official Government Website:
1-800-MEDICARE (633-4227)
Information on Medicare, Medigap policies, Medicare Advantage plan options, prescription drug assistance programs and other Medicare-related issues.
California Health Advocates:
Provides information and resources on Medicare.
California Department of Aging:
1-916-419-7500 The California Department of Aging (CDA) administers programs that serve older adults, adults with disabilities, family caregivers, and residents in long-term care facilities throughout the State.
California Department of Insurance:
Senior consumer information, including sample rates for Medicare Supplement Plans, and which companies sell which type of policies.
Senior Medicare Patrol Resource website:
Consumer information about preventing Medicare fraud and abuse.
1-800-434-0222 Report suspected Medicare fraud, waste and abuse
Needy Meds:
Find help with cost of prescription medicine
Partnership for Prescription Assistance:
The Partnership for Prescription Assistance helps qualifying patients without prescription drug coverage get the medicines they need through the program that is right for them. Many will get their medications free or nearly free.
Disability Benefits 101:
Working with disabilities in CA – gives you tools and information on health coverage, benefits, and employment. You can plan ahead and learn how work and benefits go together.
California Statewide Automated Welfare Services:
Apply online for benefits with food stamps, cash assistance or medical.
Department of Health & Human Services – Social Services
Humboldt 1-877-410-8809
Del Norte 707-464-3191
“The production of this document was supported, in part, by grant number CFDA 93.924 from the US Administration for Community Living (ACL), DHHS, Washington, DC. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration of Community Living policy.” Its contents are solely the responsibility of A1AA/HICAP and do not necessarily represent the official views of ACL.”